Making sustainable impact with Dille & Kamille


We are proud that premium kitchen and bath brand Dille & Kamille is now selling our 100% recycled cotton. Being chosen by this brand as a trusted impact supplier means more than adding a well-known retailer to our client base. For us at nxtile, this new partnership means joining forces with a strong companion on our circular textile journey.

Goods that breathe natural simplicity

Dille & Kamille has been putting people and planet at the forefront long before it became part of the mainstream conversation. Almost half a century in business, the company has stayed true to its core: offering a range of authentic home, kitchen and garden goods that breathe natural simplicity and inspire people to live a conscious, slow-paced and sustainable life in harmony with each other and our natural environment.

Since Dille & Kamille first opened shop in 1974 in the city of Utrecht, the company has grown its presence to over forty shops in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, while shipping internationally through its online store. Customers looking for the authentic, sustainable and beautifully made goods they know the brand for, will now be able to access our 100% recycled textile items in all these outlets.

Aligning clients’ needs with positive impact

As usual, we follow a careful process to align client needs with the impact nxtile offers. Along the way, in our conversations with the Dille & Kamille buying team we have made bringing the earth back in balance our mutual endeavour. We’ve spent a lot of time together going through our unique patented technology and approach to create a positive footprint. With a likeminded partner such as Dille & Kamille it was easy to agree on the impact targets.

Defining the desired savings on water, land use (m2) and CO2 emissions upfront is key to a successful collaboration with our clients. That’s why we walked Dille & Kamille through all the necessary details for these impact targets before moving on to the next steps of our impact process. 

The next steps of the nxtile impact process include, among others, selecting the best fit with trusted production and recycling partners in our international dragon network and providing information about the product life cycle to the end users, the Dille & Kamille customers.

Through these in-depth dialogues we’ve managed to weave our positive impact into the company’s new collection of bath and kitchen towels in carefully picked colours. While all different products are now available online and in-store, together with Dille & Kamille we are investigating additional impact with additional product ranges.

Our circular journey continues!

Check out the 100% recycled cotton story and collection in your preferred language on the Dille & Kamille website (NL, DE, FR). 

Interested to learn how we can apply the same impact process to your collection? Just reach out and we’ll be happy to start the conversation!

Just tell us… How much impact do you want to make?